Wikifan causing arguments wherever he goes like it's a curse or something
Yeah, it's safe to say that Wikifan02 needs to stop bashing people's opinion.
@Wikifan02 because if he releases a product during a contreversey chances are people aren't going to be buying as much. Of course kids unaware of everything are probably still going to ask their parents for it but ones aware aren't going to ask. It's just a strange business decision.
@QubeQuester0987 Okay, so? If you don't want them, don't buy them. If you want them, buy them. It's simple
Yeah I know it just feels weird from a business point to release a product during a controversy. That's all.
Bro that is a very bad comparison.
You're comparing a Nazi who killed millions of Jews to a Youtuber. Like what was going through your mind when making that? 💀
Also the point is why would you make toys during a controversy? If you're getting dunked on by the internet and make like new merch no one (expect for kids who don't understand what Mr. Beast has been accused of is bad) will buy it. Its called boycotting.
Not to say I support mrbeast anyway, I agreed with Jack when he said he ruined youtube
@Wikifan02 What is wrong with you... Hitler killed millions of Jews, sending them to camps where they would be killed. You are disgusting, using Hitler as a comparison for a kids YouTuber is wild.
Wiki fan is a little acoustic
Yeah don’t compare the two, Hitler killed some of my ancestors
What do you think?