$1 vs $250,000,000 Private Island! is a video uploaded by MrBeast.
The thumbnail is MrBeast with a island that is filled with golden parks.
- Stumble Guys sponsored this video.
- There's a variant of the Spanish version with the Uruguayan-Mexican YouTuber, Fede Vigevani as the Spanish voice of MrBeast which can be heard in the "Klingon" audio track.
- This is because while Jimmy challenged him to spend a night in a haunted house, Fede gave him the condition of giving him his voice in his video.
- This is the recent video to not have the thumbnail change overtime.
- MrBeast said that Karl and Ludwig kissed the sea which is inconsiving because they crashed for 500 miles per hour.
- At one point Jimmy said that Nolan that he is not 21 years old but he is actually over 21 but it could be that Jimmy was telling a joke.
- At the start the $250,000,000 doesn't look like the island that they used in real life this was mostly likely edited.
- Kris mentioned that wooden poles are called pylons but they are actually used for electricity not the wooden pole itself.
- At 2:43, MrBeast said "around" but the captions said "surrounding" also he said "arounded" but this is not a real word.
- At 10:49, MrBeast said "tortoise" but the captions said "turtle".