I Gave A Homeless Man A Home is a donation video created by MrBeast. In this video, as the title says, MrBeast gives an apartment to a homeless man, who goes by the name Brother Bobby.
― Official video description
Before going to the new house, the crew (excluding Chandler, who was looking up for Brother Bobby) bought a lot of supplies, like a TV, kitchen appliances, and sanitary products. Then they went into another store to buy furniture, like a couch and a bed. Meanwhile, Chandler bought him clothes from Old Navy.
After that, the crew went into the new home and decided to set all of the new furniture and appliances up. Meanwhile, Chandler and Bobby were eating at a restaurant, then played golf. Later on, the crew was still setting up the house, and at night, Chandler made it to the house with Bobby. The crew toured around the house.
Bobby was thankful for the apartment and couldn't thank the crew enough. The crew toured around the apartment again with Bobby this time. MrBeast informs Bobby that the first year's rent and utilities were covered and will try their best to pay off for Bobby. The plot of the video ends with Bobby saying that he is very thankful for the apartment, and then they thank Honey, the sponsor of this video.