Timmy Shawley is an affiliate of MrBeast. He is a cameraman in many of his videos, and is also a challenger in I Built The World's Largest Lego Tower as part of Chandler's team.
- I Built The World's Largest Lego Tower
- Last to Leave $800,000 Island Keeps It
- I Bought Everything In 5 Stores
- If You Can Carry $1,000,000 You Keep It!
Involvement in videos[]
I Built The World's Largest Lego Tower[]
Timmy appears as a challenger as part of Chandler's team. He is mainly seen on the forklift helping to build the tower at the top. Later on, after Chandler left the team to go home, MrBeast renamed the team's tower from "Chandler's tower" to "Timmy's tower". As his team won the challenge, Timmy received $17,000, but gave some of his cash to Chandler. Timmy then uses his money to buy a new car.
Last to Leave $800,000 Island Keeps It[]
In the sixth challenge, Timmy helps to place the treasure chest high up on a tree. MrBeast calls him "our Tarzan".
I Bought Everything In 5 Stores[]
At one point in this video, Jimmy bought all the cars at a local dealership and gave them away for free. Due to the last car having a stick, as well as Timmy's knowledge on how to drive a manual car, he was given the final car on the lot.
If You Can Carry $1,000,000 You Keep It![]
He and Tareq were given 50 pounds worth of money (or $25,000) to carry while filming the entire video (or really, over eight hours of filming). They were then challenged to do the sumo challenge that Kris and Chandler did, where the first of the two challengers to either fall or leave the circle will lose and the other will be the winner. Tareq fell first in the sumo challenge first, making Timmy the winner of $25,000.